(lilak1) (totonch1) (bartsch1) (lange14) (qclark2)
University housing is a complex system of Resident Advisors, Multicultural Advisors, Resident Directors, Area Coordinators, and maintenance workers. This army of workers makes it possible for freshman to live on campus. These advisors provide many resources to students and are very dependable. University housing also includes dining services, such as, Ikenberry and PAR. All in all, University housing is responsible for the majority of freshman and make sure they have a successful transition and get a good start at the University of Illinois.
University housing was created to serve the students of the University of Illinois. There are resident halls across campus that cater to those who live there. Faculty of University Housing include: resident advisors, resident directors, area coordinators, programming advisors, desk clerks, office assistants, building service workers and maintenance works. However, nothing would be possible without area directors, program coordinators, and the associate directs, Jim Rooney.
The competencies required for these jobs are creativity, organization, leadership, well balanced communication skills, and professional conflict resolution skills. Many issues arise for University Housing faculty; for example, suicide, alcohol, and vandalism on housing property. Faculty must be ready and trained for situations like these and therefore must be organized during different issues that may arise.
This is a picture of the resident advisors and the resident directors of the building Trelease in the resident hall FAR. There are several employment opportunities that are offered in a residential hall. These positions include resident advisors, resident directors, area coordinators, desk clerks, building service workers, maintenance workers, and office assistants. These positions have different ways to go about getting a job and are fairly competitive. According to Selam Totonchi, currently a resident advisor, out of five-hundred applicants to become a resident advisor, only eighty of them well get the job. One can become a resident advisor by applying in the Fall semester. This process includes a resume, two written essays, references, and an interview. Although it is a competitive interview process, if one receives the job, it is a very rewarding experience to be a resident advisor.
Current trends and issues: A current and ongoing trend within University Housing is having RA's as well as RD's plan and coordinate floor events. RA's work together to provide their residents with stress-relieving activities throughout the semester. Current issues include alcohol poisoning, domestic disputes, and suicide. An RA committed suicide in the building of Oglesby Residence Hall at FAR during Thanksgiving break of 2008. The situation was unexpected and all RA's and RD's were informed and checked on. The University Housing faculty is trained for situations like this, as well as others every year.
Leisure: The agencies definition of leisure is to provide residents and faculty with activities to fill free time away from studying. The event in the picture shown is pie your RA and RD. This is a fun stress reliever for the faculty. Other events that are done for faculty are dances, bowling, and ice cream socials for everyone to socialize and destress from employee life and university problems.
After researching and visiting our agency, we realized that we had learned a lot. University Housing faculty go through many issues and complications as the school year progresses. However, they are well trained for any scenario that may arise. Looking more specifically in the career of a Resident Advisor in the agency, you can see that time management may be an issue. Resident Advisors need to balance weekly meetings with the staff, as well as, complete social, wellness, and social justice programs for their residents. Along with all these tasks, RA’s must be full time students and keep up a cumulative GPA of 2.3. This means that they need to study and maintain high grades along with all the tasks of an RA. However, a pro of being an RA is the social experiences they have with the many diverse residents they are in charge of. RA’s also become well trained to handle incidents regarding alcohol and domestic disputes, as well as, increase their leadership skills. Overall, University Housing fits into the leisure delivery system because it provides programs for its faculty and students that decrease the stress of real life.